Scripts In Print 

A new book series from Oxygen Films Corp... 
 Scripts In Print™ is the latest, exciting, NEW literary outlet for fiction-lovers, screenwriters, book distributors, film producers and production company executives!

**Scripts In Print™ is an opportunity for readers to experience compelling fiction written in the format of feature-length screenplays as used by producers, and film production companies & studios.  

** Scripts In Print™ is an book cover About Phoenix Star opportunity for screenwriters to get their years of hard-work in front of the audiences who long for these great stories which have thus far in the form of screenplay, been passed over and may never be made.

**Scripts In Print™ is an opportunity for producers to capitalize on the hundreds, if not thousands of great screenplays for which there is no finance or zeal to produce, but have been piling up on the desk waiting for an opportunity to be presented to the world in this original new format!! (Scripts In Print™ - exclusively from Oxygen Films Corp.)

Stonewall Jackson - 1862
CLICK HERE to read more about why hundreds of screenwriters are excited about being published in this new format!!!